Priority Area Four
Accountable education systems
What works to enhance accountability to improve education system cohesion in Pakistan?
A child’s access to education, and the quality of and continued participation in their learning, is shaped within a system that works at both local and policy levels. The system at the local level works through schools, communities, and households, and at the policy level it works through education policy and stakeholders. The system and stakeholders involved in education set the goals, procedures, resource arrangements, and incentives in regard to achieving access, quality, and continuity of learning. When not aligned, these systemic factors can obstruct meaningful accountability, adaptability, and resource allocation in education system operations. The focus of research in this theme is on examining decentralisation and governance, school monitoring and accountability systems, as well as examining the factors that enable and hinder pilot programmes’ effective scale-up in the context of Pakistan.
Sub Themes

Decentralisation and governance
The research under this sub-theme explores the intricate relationship between decentralisation, governance, and its impact on education service delivery in the Pakistani context. Considering the debate between equity and efficacy, the research projects delve into how governance structures and accountability mechanisms are shaped by the power dynamics inherent in decentralisation across diverse contexts within Pakistan.

Coherence of school monitoring and accountability systems
This sub-theme delves into the multifaceted factors that influence accountability within the education system, specifically examining how school and district-level management staff and other education managers have better accountability for improved quality of student learning experiences. It also focuses on how various stakeholders function within the system to achieve desired outcomes.