Application Process

Applicants can apply for research funding through the online application portal available on DARE-RC’s official website darerc.org.

The application process begins with the submission of a concept note explaining the area/problem for the proposed research, followed by a detailed research proposal if the concept note is approved.

Specific instructions and guidelines for filling out the concept note form is explained in the “Call for Applications-Cycle 1”.

  • The applicant organisation may submit multiple applications but will only be awarded a single grant.


  • Research institutions can only lead on one proposal per cycle, although they can be part of a second application in the same cycle if the proposal is led by another organisation.

The submission of application and the compulsory supporting documentation shall be made by the applicant organisation.


The deadline for submitting the concept note is 11:59pm (Pakistan Standard Time) on 12 September 2024.

Extensions for the concept note submission deadline are not possible; it’s crucial to adhere to the specified timeline.

The submission deadline of the grants is 12th September 2024 at 11:59 pm (Pakistan Standard Time). There is no plan for any extension in the mentioned deadline.

Content and Structure of Concept Note

DARE-RC has identified research priority areas for the research grants which are explained in the Call for Applications Cycle-1.

The literature review in the concept note should provide a concise analytical account of the literature-based arguments with a clear identification of knowledge gaps relevant to the proposed research.

References must be included in the concept note but will not be counted towards the word limit.

A concept note template is available on https://darerc.org/apply-for-grant/, please refer the field/section “Timeline and Budget Estimates (Character limit 1,400) of the concept note template and follow the below instructions.

  • Provide a preliminary budget estimate for your research project in PKR.
  • Please specify whether you are applying for the short-term or long-term project grant.
  • Break down the expenses and justify the funding requested.
  • Provide realistic timelines for conducting the different stages of the research project.


You must justify your budget in view of your proposed research grant.

Ethical Approval

The certificate of ethical approval should be sought immediately after the acceptance of the research proposal. In the concept note, a brief statement on key ethical measures for the proposed research should be included.

Ethical approval may be obtained from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Higher Education Commission-recognised institutions in Pakistan or similar international institutions.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Collaboration with academia-based networks is desirable for the success of the proposed research. Applications having collaborative Pakistani and international expertise are welcome.

Collaboration with public sector universities is encouraged and women-led institutions are encouraged to apply.

There is no restriction on the number of organisations involved. However, in such a case, a teaming agreement, outlining the roles and responsibilities of each party will be required.

Without compromising on quality and the solicitation process, DARE-RC encourages inclusivity of applicants and within their research team. Applicants such as public-sector universities, women-led universities/research institutions and those in geographically remote locations are encouraged to apply. Mainstream applicants should also collaborate with such institutions.

Yes, collaborations between local, including public sectors, along-with international expertise are encouraged.

The inclusivity assessment is covered under the Concept Note Scoring Tool (section 12 of Call for Applications-Cycle 1). The inclusivity statement given in the concepts notes and proposals will be assessed as per the scoring tool. Our reviewers will review both the inclusivity and intersectionality within research proposals.

There is no upper limit on building a consortium for a single grant application. However, it is advised to maintain an optimal limit to avoid any future problems/complications around managing the grant effectively.

Yes, an international expert may be engaged as Lead Researcher/Principal Investigator as far as he/she meets the criteria given in Call for Applications-Cycle 1 along with the research team comprising of Pakistan individuals.

Evaluation process

Applications will undergo appraisal by the DARE-RC technical review team using the concept note scoring tool and Research Quality Guidance Note for the Applications in the “Call for Applications Cycle-1”.  The decision of DARE-RC will be considered final.

Applicants who attain at least 60% in each of the three sections of the concept note scoring tool (please refer to the Concept Note Scoring Tool in the “Call for Applications Cycle-1”, will be considered for the next stage, i.e. submission of a proposal.

The successful applicants will be listed on the DARE-RC website and will be contacted by DARE-RC with details of the next stage.

Approval of the concept note leads to the submission of a full research proposal.

Yes, we have  set criteria for reviewing of the concept notes. Please refer to the Concept Note Scoring Tool (section 12 of Call for Applications-Cycle 1) and Concept Note Scoring Tool-Rubric (Annex C of Call for Applications-Cycle 1).

The applicant organisation may submit multiple applications but will only be awarded a single grant. The selection of the grant from multiple submissions from one organisation, will be assessed based on the quality, scope, and outreach of the concept note. In addition, the concept note should be conceptually and methodologically strong.


However, the research institutions/applicant organisations can only lead on one proposal per cycle, although they can be part of a second application in the same cycle if the proposal is led by another organisation.


The remaining concept notes will not be considered for any further processing in Cycle 1.

Full Research Proposal

The full research proposal should be submitted online within three weeks of the concept note approval notification date. A deadline will be communicated to the applicants moving to the proposal stage.

CVs of all the members of the research team should be submitted in a single document, following the specified format and length.

Conflict of Interest

Any conflicts of interest should be disclosed in the application using the “Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form”.

Identification of conflicts won’t disqualify a proposal but may require additional actions for mitigation.

Reporting and Accountability

Reporting requirements, including frequency and format, will be outlined in the terms and conditions to be provided upon successful award of the grant.

Progress reports should provide detailed insights into project achievements, challenges, and lessons learned. An inception report should be submitted before the start of the project. A mid-term review report should be submitted after field work and initial data analysis. A final report should be submitted after the culmination of the project and publication draft for submission.

For information regarding types of research methodologies, please refer to “Call for Applications Cycle-1”. Please note that this guidance is only the first step in providing guidance for researchers, and the suggested theoretical perspectives and research methods are not prescriptive.

Research grants are competitive in nature and follow a pre-defined eligibility criteria and solicitation process, operating on a deadline-driven basis. Only the best research ideas submitted by eligible applicants within the deadline, will be awarded a research grant. The DARE-RC Research Grant is “not for profit” and will solely fund the cost of delivery.

Research may be carried out in Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, Islamabad Capital Territory and Gilgit Baltistan.

There are two types of research projects being funded through this Call for Application:

  1. Small research projects: PKR 14 million to 34 million (inclusive of all taxes) for a single grant with a maximum of 10% to be allocated for overhead cost.
  2. Large research projects: PKR 28 million to 80 million (inclusive of all taxes) for a single grant with a maximum of 10% to be allocated for overhead cost.

There will be no addition of Withholding Taxes (WHT) in the budgets and WHT must be applied on the entire budget of the research projects. WHT will be deducted at source in-accordance with the prevailing rates as per jurisdiction (Federal and Provinces).

There are two types of research grants varying different timelines including.

DARE-RC Small Research Grants: 6 to 12 months; longer duration up to 15 months can be considered with justification.

DARE-RC Large Research Grants: 12 to 18 months (We are open to proposals up to 20 months subject to FCDO and OPM mutual agreement).

No, the organisation must be a Pakistani entity and legally registered to operate in Pakistan.

The organisation must obtain the required No Objection Certificates from the relevant government authorities for implementation of on-ground research activities.

Public sector organisations will submit their Audit Reports issued by the Provincial or Federal offices of Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP).

However, in case such organisations have arranged their annual audits from an independent audit firm, they shall submit Audited Financial Statements and audit reports issued by such independent audit firms.

In case where the applicant has only maintained Audit Reports issued by AGP, the applicant shall prepare Management Accounts of last two years.  Organisational Management Accounts should comprise of Profit and Loss/Income and Expenditure, Cash Flow Statement, Balance Sheet/Statement of financial position and important notes to the accounts.  The applicants must provide financial figures of the last year(s) against each head of the above-mentioned accounts for comparative review.

In case an applicant (belonging to a public sector organisation), whose audit has not been conducted by the relevant department for the last two years must:

(a) Submit in writing on its letterhead, duly signed by the competent authority that, “the audit of last two years has not been performed by the relevant department”.

(b) Submit any two audits’ reports of audits being performed in a period of last five years, starting from the closing date of the most recent fiscal year.

(c) Prepare and submit “Management Accounts” as given above based on the financial information of the last two years.

I. When an organisation fails to meet any condition of the eligibility criteria outlined in the terms and conditions and fails to submit one or all of the required documents along with their concept note submission.

II. At any stage of the grant cycle (shortlisting, selection, and implementation), if an organisation is found to be involved in any unfair practices or wrongdoings, including but not limited to misrepresentation, misdeclaration, attempts to influence the process, concealing of information, collusion, or conflict of interest, the said organisation shall be excluded and blacklisted for any future financial support from OPM. FCDO will be notified of such cases by DARE-RC.

The FAQs document is the primary source for addressing queries; additional support can be sought at info@rcdare.org.

The submission of compulsory documents (list provided in Call for Application-Cycle 1 document) is required along with the submission of concept note at stage-1.  Non-submission will lead to disqualification.

We are not directly supporting schools. This grant is primarily for institutions/organisations, and individuals are not eligible. Further, Prior research experience in education, especially in the themes under the DARE-RC Research Agenda is a prerequisite.

The 2 academic publications by the applicants are required in the priority areas which are identified in the DARE-RC Research Agenda-Cycle 1 and not in the priority area for which they are applying.

We understand the concern here about junior researchers being excluded due to the publication criteria. However, this standard criterion is to ensure the preparedness of all the applicants to plan and undertake high quality rigorous research. The idea of putting together a consortium and collaboration with senior researchers would help get through the process well.   

The submission of two recent peer-reviewed publications relevant to DARE-RC Research Agenda-Cycle 1 by the Lead Investigator/Researcher is a compulsory requirement and in absence, the applicant may be disqualified. Please refer sub section IV of section 8 “Compulsory supporting documentation” of Call for Applications-Cycle 1.

This grant is primarily for institutions/organisations and individuals are not eligible. Further, Prior research experience in education, especially in the themes under the DARE-RC Research Agenda is a prerequisite.

A Principal Investigator or Lead Investigator/Researcher is a person who is leading the proposed research.  

  1. The Lead Investigator/Researcher must have  a strong publication record (provide links to or submit 2 recent peer-reviewed publications relevant to the DARE-RC Research Agenda – Cycle 1).
  2. The Lead Investigator/Researcher must demonstrate experience of leading high quality research projects in the areas aligned with the DARE-RC Research Agenda – Cycle 1.
  3. The Lead Investigator/Researcher should have an affiliation with academia or should have a connection with an academia-based research network.

We have broad research questions and indicative sub questions in all four research priority areas. These questions reflect possible focus for a study. The applicants can pick up any question and plan a study depending on their deeper understanding of the problem and its different dimensions which will determine the focus of one’s study.

The cross-cutting themes have questions and indicative questions. So, the applicants can choose any of these questions for their research projects. However, they will certainly have to focus on issues/questions/indicative sub-questions identified in one of the research priority areas. For instance, the use of data-informed decision-making can be focused to understand what works to ensure access to education, continuity and improved learning outcomes for marginalised children (groups referred in the research agenda).  

Yes, the Lead researcher has to be a seasoned researcher with higher education i.e. PhD and well-grounded research experience.

FCDO is funding this project.

This grant is primarily for the institutions/organisations and individuals are not eligible to apply. Those institutions/organisations registered to operate in Pakistan are eligible including public sector, private sector, NGOs, Research Think Tanks etc. Further, prior research experience in education, especially in the themes under the DARE-RC Research Agenda is a prerequisite. 

We have broad research questions and indicative sub questions in all four research priority areas. These questions reflect possible focus for a study. The applicants can pick up any question and plan a study depending on their deeper understanding of the problem and its different dimensions which will determine the focus of one’s study.

This call for application will encourage collaborative research, including through the participation of organisations with different disciplinary backgrounds as long as they can provide evidence of a solid track record of delivering high quality research. Research collaboration with and among public sector universities, engagement of early career researchers in all stages of research and a deliberate effort to mentor mid and early career researchers by seniors will be considered favourably. Applicants from women-led universities and research institutions and those which are geographically remote are encouraged to apply.

Applications having collaborative Pakistani and international expertise are welcome.

You should upload all the compulsory required documents (the list is available in Call for Applications-Cycle 1 document) of your university along-with concept note template.

Yes, the concept note  and required documents shall be from/of your university.

Applicants can propose different types of research that fit within the four research priority areas of DARE-RC Research Agenda-Cycle 1 attached as Annex-A to the “Call for Application Cycle-1”. The research can adopt any methodology that answers the proposed research questions well including identifying promising interventions/programmes that have the potential to be evaluated or taken to scale. However, DARE-RC will not fund the actual implementation of the programme/strategy under Call 1 funding. Please also keep in mind that the scope and focus of research has to be carefully decided as all the DARE-RC research projects will generate insights to inform policy and practice on what works and why for access, continuity and learning outcomes of the most marginalised groups. We suggest carefully reading of the research agenda document.

Azad Jammu & Kashmir is not covered in our programme. However, the eligible researchers (as per criteria given in DARE-RC Call for Application-Cycle 1) from AJK may collaborate with the applicants’ organisations who are legally registered in Pakistan. Whereas the proposed research shall be focused and undertaken in the approved geographical areas of the programme including Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Punjab, Islamabad Capital Territory and Gilgit-Baltistan.

The online submission process is user friendly, and we have provided sufficient space i.e. 34MB for uploading of the required documents while submitting the concept notes.

In case more space is required by an applicant to support their application, an additional space of 34MB is also available, which is optional.

Considering the current internet issues in the country and to avoid the risk of non-receipt of an application, we have created an email address confirmation@rcdare.org which can be used by the applicants to share their acknowledgement email along with the above-mentioned details.

These acknowledgements and details will enable us to match the submitted application (received on dedicated email address) to ensure that no applications go missing.

The concept note will not be disqualified on the given basis. However, you should explain and justify the connection of your proposed research with the DARE-RC priority areas. The proposal should also be conceptually and methodologically strong.   We have a pool of expert reviewers with plenty of education research experience who will evaluate the concept notes and review all dimensions.

The minimum period for small research grants are of 6 months while longer duration up to 15 months can also be considered with justification. On the other hand, large research grants have minimum of 12 months and proposals up to 20 months can be considered, subject to FCDO and OPM agreement.

We are of the view that the above-mentioned periods for small and large research provides ample opportunity to conduct well-structured research. Small scale research, based on secondary data may also be proposed on the basis of limited geographical spread and scope. This is also a reality that projects have their own timelines, and the same factor exists in case of DARE-RC and we have to plan our activities within the approved timeline.

If valid tax exemption certificate is not issued by the Federal Board of Revenue-FBR at the time applying on the research grant then,

a) You can share the copy of a previous one along with the submitted application for its renewal.




b) Proof of tax payments e.g. copy of submitted withholding tax statement under section 165 of the last quarter.




c) Tax challans in case of payments made to FBR at least in the last week by your organisation.

d) The tax registration certificate and last year annual tax return shall be uploaded (separate drop boxes for each upload are provided in “Upload Required Documents” tab on our webpage https://darerc.org/apply-for-grant/)

In case any of your documents which require government approval, have not been approved yet, or you have submitted your case, please upload the receiving copy (signed and stamped by the concerned government department).

Yes, if such proposed research is relevant to DARE-RC Research Agenda Cycle 1; and the research has been undertaken after taking ethical approvals.

The entire process from submission of concept note to approval of proposals including due diligence might take at least 3 months of period starting from the concept note submission deadline i.e. 12 September 2024.

The relevant experience of the faculty as required by DARE-RC will be considered. However, the organisation shall meet the eligibility requirements along with submission of compulsory documentation.

FCDO is funding the project and has ownership of the Intellectual Property rights as per their procedures and protocols. All research products including the data and data sets grantees generate will also be open source. The research products generated under the grants will be published under the name of the researcher however FCDO’s contribution must be acknowledged.

The focus of DARE-RC research grants will be on public schools (K-12). However, private schools may be taken as long as the quality of education for the marginalised groups identified in DARE-RC Research Agenda  remains the focus.

The NTN/FNTN required is that of the applicant organisation.

Yes, the public sector university can take help from ORIC for the submission of Compulsory Documents. We also encourage applicants to coordinate with their respective departments and take their support as well.  

Our call is limited to research in K-12 education. You can conduct your research focusing on mainstream public schools and add non-formal schools for comparison and quality prospective purposes.

Depending on the scope of your proposed research, applicants are allowed to use relevant research methodologies. We have given proposed research methodologies under Annex B of the ‘Call for Applications – Cycle 1’ document. The applicant can look into these proposed methodologies.

Please check DARE-RC Research Agenda for emphasis on researching alternative/supplemental education programmes that may uses different approaches including technology for the education of the most marginalised.

There are no fix numbers of research studies or grants to be conducted in the geographical locations of the programme. The approval of research projects will depend on the scope, need, quality and outreach. However, we encourage submission of research studies from all four Provinces, Islamabad Capital Territory-ICT and Gilgit Baltistan.

Lead Researcher/Investigators/Primary Investigators are part of the applicant organisation team. Such type of decisions may be taken by the applicant organisation with the Lead Researcher/Investigators/Primary Investigators.

The composition of the research team is based on the focus and scope of your proposed research study. Please refer to Section 8 of Call for Applications-Cycle 1 document where in point ‘c’ it states the following: 

“Team details, providing brief biographical data of the research team (1,500 characters): Please note that at least one team member of the research team must be experienced in conducting high-quality research in social sciences (including education) and should have an academic affiliation, or should have a connection with an academia-based research network”.

Furthermore, the expectation  from a  Potential Lead Researcher/ Principal Investigator/ are stated below:

  1. The Lead researcher has to be a seasoned researcher with higher education i.e. PhD and well-grounded research experience.
  2. The Lead Investigator/Researcher must have a strong publication record (provide links to or submit 2 recent peer-reviewed publications relevant to the DARE-RC Research Agenda – Cycle 1).
  3. The Lead Investigator/Researcher must demonstrate experience of leading high quality research projects in the areas aligned with the DARE-RC Research Agenda – Cycle 1.
  4. The Lead Investigator/Researcher should have an affiliation with academia or should have a connection with an academia-based research network.

Regarding information on potential collaborators, please note that DARE-RC does not have such information as the Lead Researchers and their respective organisations are expected to look into this matter.

There is no possibility to getting an extension in case of partial submission. All the compulsory supporting documents are required to be submitted along with your concept note by the deadline i.e. 12th September 2024 at 11:59 pm (Pakistan Standard Time).

Please note that the composition of the research team including a co-lead/investigator is based on the focus and scope of your proposed research study. However, the Lead Investigator/Researcher/ Principal Investigator should meet the criteria given in the Call for Application-Cycle 1 document.

No, the DARE-RC consortium partners are not allowed to apply for research grants Call for Applications Cycle-1.

Each  grant  requires a separate Lead Researcher/Principal Investigator and the research team. The selection of the grant will be subject to scope of research, outreach, quality, proposed research being conceptually and methodological justified and the research team including Lead Researcher/Principal Investigator are qualified as per the requirements given in Call for Applications-Cycle 1.

The use of own secondary data is allowed particularly in case of small research projects. However, the submission of NOC is a prerequisite in either case, to cover any data collection requirement(s) from field level at a later stage of the project at the time if the grant is selected for funding. This NOC shall be on stamped paper and duly signed by the competent authority of the organisation.

Separate affidavits are required in all cases. Separate uploading drop boxes (Uploading documents tab) for such affidavits are available on our webpage.

The basic content of each affidavit is available on the title of the drop box (Uploading documents tab) on our webpage. You have to put your relevant organisational details/information and get it signed by the competent authority of your organisation. The affidavits shall be on stamped papers.

The first one is the detailed organisational profile explained in the first bullet of sub section iv. of Section 8 “Compulsory Supporting Documentation” and the last one is a brief profile of the applicant organisation demonstrating it’s a local entity along with the CVs of the research team.

An entity registered in Pakistan can apply for research grants. Applications having collaborative Pakistani and international expertise are welcome. Further, Prior research experience in education, especially in the themes under the DARE-RC Research Agenda is a prerequisite. Consortiums are also eligible, provided that the Lead Organisation is legally registered to operate in Pakistan.

Applicants must follow the character limits given in each field of the online form. Characters include spaces and paragraphing.

For this issue, try any of the following solutions: 

– Open darerc.org in an incognito window (Ctrl+Shift+N). 

– Do a hard refresh on the darerc.org /apply-for-grant/ page (Ctrl+Shift+R or Ctrl+F5). 

There are two documents including ‘Existing Memorandum of Understanding with Economic Affairs Division (NGOs Only)’, and ‘Joint Venture Teaming Agreement’ which may not be relevant to some applicants.

If the above-mentioned are not relevant to your case, please upload a document stating that this is not applicable. This will allow you to proceed with submitting your application as the system may prevent submission if any mandatory fields are left incomplete.

The “Apply for Grant” will not function unless you have uploaded all the required documents.

You can only submit one at a time. First, submit the concept note template (which includes Uploading Compulsory Documentations), and afterward, submit additional or remaining documents, if required.

No, all required information must be entered into the sections listed in the concept note template. Word files or attachments are not accepted as an alternative for your Concept Note.

No, all required information must be entered into the sections listed in the concept note template. Word files or attachments are not accepted as an alternative for your Concept Note.