Priority Area Three
Resilient education service delivery
What works to develop continuity of resilient education service delivery through improving systems coherence?
Research under this theme focuses on identifying ‘what works’ to ensure teaching and learning continuity, especially for the most marginalised, when faced with disruptive events. In doing so, research in this area examines reforms/strategies that support educators, identify trajectories of educational outcomes (access, quality etc.) of learners before and after disruptive events, and focus on which systemic barriers due to marginalisation, predict and/or mitigate these. Research under this theme also examines successful practices for system resilience, and factors that shape the (in)coherence of the policy landscape to ensure access, quality, and continuity. It also examines local perspectives and the role of parents and communities, as well as the key challenges to and enablers for effective coordination and the implementation of crisis mitigation and response strategies at various levels.
Sub Themes

Ensuring teaching and learning continuity when faced with disruptions to education
Research in this sub-theme will explore system preparedness and the consequences of disruptive events, such as climate induced disasters, on teaching and learning continuity. The studies under this sub-theme will generate evidence on ways in which climate-related disruptions affect students, teachers, and schools across different regions in Pakistan. This sub-theme also seeks to understand key education stakeholders’ knowledge, skills, participation and agency for climate adaptation and mitigation to maximise the potential for participation for addressing the climate and environmental crisis across all regions of Pakistan.

System resilience to climate change
Research in this sub-theme examines the state of preparedness of the education systems at the provincial, district, sub-district, and school levels to ensure continuity of service provision in the face of climate change-induced disasters. This sub-theme also seeks to understand knowledge, skills, and agency of key education stakeholders regarding climate adaptation and mitigation across all regions of Pakistan.